And get our economy back on track.


With rising inflation, Canadians cannot afford to be left behind. The United States has launched an investigation to provide greater transparency into practices related to the carriage of US exports. As a trading nation, it is both logical and necessary that Canada conduct a similar investigation to ensure our transportation system is performing at a level that meets the needs of its users.

We are calling on the Federal Government to:

1. Immediately open an investigation under section 49 of the Canada Transportation Act to investigate pressing supply chain disruptions and determine all major contributors.

2. Name a Supply Chain Commissioner to lead a joint industry-government Task Force to bring together government departments, industry stakeholders, and international partners to effectively address supply chain disruptions in a multi-lateral and holistic manner.

Did you know - the average price to ship a standard container has risen from $1,461 at the beginning of 2020 to $11,109 in September of this year?

The reason so many shipping containers are going back to Asia filled with nothing but air has to do with a surge in consumer demand for Asian goods. Rather than waiting for the containers to be loaded with Canadian goods, shipping companies are paying a premium for containers to be sent to Asia empty, so that they can be filled faster for the trip back to Canada.


The Government of Canada must play a leading role in providing rules and oversight over the behavior of shipping lines. Current carrier actions are threatening the efficiency and effectiveness of the entire transportation logistics system, harming its ability to serve Canadian businesses and consumers and making life more expensive. 

Let the federal government know that you support Canadian businesses and consumers by signing this letter that tells Prime Minister Trudeau to act now:

Dear Prime Minister Trudeau,

I am writing to request that the Government of Canada take immediate action to address the challenges faced by Canada’s shipping industry and stop the rising costs of goods and services faced by Canadians. 

With the container crunch hurting Canadian consumers and businesses, the Government can act now by opening an investigation under section 49 of the Canada Transportation Act, to provide greater transparency on the actions of marine carriers and clarity into how our system is functioning within the context of a global container supply chain disruption. In addition, the Government can show leadership by convening a joint industry-government task force with a mandate to explore immediate solutions to alleviate the pain being felt by Canadian consumers and businesses. 

The breakdown of the container supply chain in Canada has led to additional fees and premiums being levied against Canadian businesses and products, and in many instances the inability to get products in and out of Canada in a timely, efficient and cost effective manner. Canadian exporters and major exporting companies have been told by shipping lines that there will be no new bookings for the foreseeable future.  Businesses and consumers across Canada are paying the price and it is imperative that the Government act to prevent spiralling inflation due to the lack of transportation capacity. 

As the global shipping industry searches for solutions, Canada is at risk of being left behind. The United States has launched an investigation to provide greater transparency into practices related to the carriage of US exports. As a trading nation, it is both logical and necessary that Canada conduct a similar investigation to ensure our transportation system is performing at a level that meets the needs of its users. Canadians cannot afford to sit idle – especially as we ask more of ourselves to build back our economy from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The Government of Canada can and must play an active role in providing the rules and oversight to ensure the behavior of shipping lines does not adversely impact the efficiency and effectiveness of the entire transportation logistics system and its ability to serve Canadian consumers and businesses. 

I am urging you to act today to put Canadians and our economy first. 

cc: Hon. Chrystia Freeland, P.C., M.P.
       Hon. Omar Alghabra, P.C., M.P
       Hon. Marie-Claude Bibeau, P.C., M.P.


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